

  1. Operation EmailThief: Active Exploitation of Zero-day XSS Vulnerability in Zimbra

    [UPDATE] On February 4, 2022, Zimbra provided an update regarding this zero-day exploit vulnerability and reported that a hotfix for 8.8.15 P30 would be available on February 5, 2022. This vulnerability was later assigned CVE-2022-24682 and was fixed in version 8.8.15P30 Update 2 of Zimbra Collaboration Suite. In December 2021, through its Network Security Monitoring service, Volexity identified a series of targeted spear-phishing campaigns against one of its customers from a threat actor it tracks as TEMP_Heretic. Analysis of the emails from these spear phishing campaigns led to a discovery: the attacker was attempting to exploit a zero-day cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Zimbra email platform. Zimbra is an open source email platform often used by organizations as an alternative to Microsoft Exchange. The campaigns came in multiple waves across two attack phases. The initial phase was aimed at reconnaissance and involved emails designed to simply track if a target […]

  2. North Korean BLUELIGHT Special: InkySquid Deploys RokRAT

    In a recent blog post, Volexity disclosed details on a portion of the operations by a North Korean threat actor it tracks as InkySquid. This threat actor compromised a news portal to use recently patched browser exploits to deliver a custom malware family known as BLUELIGHT. This follow-up post describes findings from a recent investigation undertaken by Volexity in which the BLUELIGHT malware was discovered being delivered to a victim alongside RokRAT (aka DOGCALL).  RokRAT is a backdoor previously attributed to use by ScarCruft/APT37, which is also known as InkySquid. It should be noted that Volexity identified some overlap between the findings discussed in this post and this Korean-language article. Analysis Volexity is often asked to analyze systems of users frequently targeted by state-sponsored threat actors based on some tip-off or concern that the systems may be compromised. In this case, it was a system belonging to an individual who is […]

  3. North Korean APT InkySquid Infects Victims Using Browser Exploits

    Volexity recently investigated a strategic web compromise (SWC) of the website of the Daily NK (www.dailynk[.]com), a South Korean online newspaper that focuses on issues relating to North Korea. Malicious code on the Daily NK website was observed from at least late March 2021 until early June 2021. This post provides details on the different exploits used in the SWC, as well as the payload used, which Volexity calls BLUELIGHT. Volexity attributes the activity described in this post to a threat actor Volexity refers to as InkySquid, which broadly corresponds to activity known publicly under the monikers ScarCruft and APT37. SWC Activity In April 2021, through its network security monitoring on a customer network, Volexity identified suspicious code being loaded via www.dailynk[.]com to malicious subdomains of jquery[.]services. Examples of URLs observed loading malicious code include the following: hxxps://www.dailynk[.]com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1 hxxps://www.dailynk[.]com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.3.2 These URLs lead to legitimate files used as part of the […]

  4. Suspected APT29 Operation Launches Election Fraud Themed Phishing Campaigns

    On May 25, 2021, Volexity identified a phishing campaign targeting multiple organizations based in the United States and Europe. The following industries have been observed being targeted thus far: NGOs Research Institutions Government Agencies International Agencies The campaign’s phishing e-mails purported to originate from the USAID government agency and contained a malicious link that resulted in an ISO file being delivered. This file contained a malicious LNK file, a malicious DLL file, and a legitimate lure referencing foreign threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections. This blog post provides details on the observed activity and outlines possible justification that this campaign could be related to APT29. Phishing Email Campaign The original e-mails looked like the following: Figure 1. Phishing e-mails sent to numerous organizations Volexity also observed a smaller campaign from the same sender with largely the same content several hours earlier, but with the subject line “USAID Special Alert!”. […]

  5. Operation Exchange Marauder: Active Exploitation of Multiple Zero-Day Microsoft Exchange Vulnerabilities

    [UPDATE] March 8, 2021 – Since original publication of this blog, Volexity has now observed that cyber espionage operations using the SSRF vulnerability CVE-2021-26855 started occurring on January 3, 2021, three days earlier than initially posted. Volexity is seeing active in-the-wild exploitation of multiple Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities used to steal e-mail and compromise networks. These attacks appear to have started as early as January 6, 2021. In January 2021, through its Network Security Monitoring service, Volexity detected anomalous activity from two of its customers’ Microsoft Exchange servers. Volexity identified a large amount of data being sent to IP addresses it believed were not tied to legitimate users. A closer inspection of the IIS logs from the Exchange servers revealed rather alarming results. The logs showed inbound POST requests to valid files associated with images, JavaScript, cascading style sheets, and fonts used by Outlook Web Access (OWA). It was initially suspected the […]

  6. Evil Eye Threat Actor Resurfaces with iOS Exploit and Updated Implant

    In September 2019, Volexity published Digital Crackdown: Large-Scale Surveillance and Exploitation of Uyghurs, which described a series of attacks against Uyghurs from multiple Chinese APT actors. The most notable threat actor detailed in the blog was one Volexity calls Evil Eye. The Evil Eye threat actor was observed launching an exploit aimed at installing a malware implant on Android phones. Volexity also believed this was likely the same group responsible for the launching exploits aimed at installing an iOS implant as described by Google’s Project Zero. Immediately after the publications from Google and Volexity, the Evil Eye threat actor went fairly quiet. They removed their malicious code from compromised websites, command and control (C2) servers were taken down, and various hostnames stopped resolving. This largely remained the case until early January 2020, when Volexity observed a series of new activity across multiple previously compromised Uyghur websites. In the latest activity […]

  7. Storm Cloud Unleashed: Tibetan Focus of Highly Targeted Fake Flash Campaign

    Beginning in May 2019, Volexity started tracking a new series of strategic web compromises that have been used in highly targeted attacks against Tibetan individuals and organizations by a Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) actor it tracks as Storm Cloud. While this threat activity appears to have started in mid-2019, Storm Cloud has been observed targeting Tibetan organizations since at least 2018. The attacks were launched at a very limited subset of visitors to over two dozen different Tibetan websites that Storm Cloud had managed to compromise. Kaspersky has noted they uncovered similar targeted attacks dating back to mid-2019. Unlike strategic web compromises of the past, this attack activity did not rely on or use exploits. Instead, the attackers relied on enticing targeted users to install an “update to Adobe Flash” by way of a JavaScript overlay on top of the legitimate compromised websites. While there is no relation between […]

  8. Microsoft Exchange Control Panel (ECP) Vulnerability CVE-2020-0688 Exploited

    On February 11, 2020, as part of Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released cumulative updates and a service pack that addressed a remote code execution vulnerability found in Microsoft Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. The vulnerability was discovered by an anonymous security researcher and reported to Microsoft by way of Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative. Two weeks after the security updates were released, the Zero Day Initiative published a blog post providing more details on the vulnerability. The post made it clear that an attacker could exploit a vulnerable Exchange server if the following three criteria were met: The Exchange Server had not been patched since February 11, 2020. The Exchange Control Panel (ECP) interface was accessible to the attacker. The attacker has a working credential that allows them to access the Exchange Control Panel in order to collect the ViewStateKey from the authenticated session cookie as well as the __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR […]

  9. Vulnerable Private Networks: Corporate VPNs Exploited in the Wild

    The details of multiple, critical Pulse Secure SSL VPN vulnerabilities are well known; they were disclosed in detail by two security researchers as part of a talk at Black Hat USA 2019 on August 7, 2019. What has not been widely covered, but should come as no surprise, is that APT actors have been actively exploiting these vulnerabilities in order to gain access to targeted networks. The vulnerability being exploited is CVE-2019-11510, which allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to send specially crafted requests that allow read access of arbitrary files on the Pulse Secure VPN. This includes access to databases that the VPN server uses to track sessions, cleartext credentials, and NTLM hashes. Volexity has observed multiple attackers exploiting this vulnerability starting approximately a week after the talk was given. Volexity has worked on multiple incidents where networks, whose remote access is protected by two-factor authentication (2FA), have been intruded upon. […]

  10. Active Exploitation of Newly Patched ColdFusion Vulnerability (CVE-2018-15961)

    If your organization is running an Internet-facing version of ColdFusion, you may want to take a close look at your server. Volexity recently observed active exploitation of a newly patched vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion, for which no public details or proof-of-concept code exists. In the attack detected by Volexity, a suspected Chinese APT group was able to compromise a vulnerable ColdFusion server by directly uploading a China Chopper webshell. The target server was missing a single update from Adobe that had been released just two weeks earlier. On September 11, 2018, Adobe issued security bulletin APSB18-33, which fixed a variety of issues to include an unauthenticated file upload vulnerability. Per the advisory, this vulnerability was assigned CVE-2018-15961 and affects ColdFusion 11 (Update 14 and earlier), ColdFusion 2016 (Update 6 and earlier), and ColdFusion 2018 (July 12 release). This effectively includes all versions of ColdFusion released over the last four years. […]