3CX Supply Chain Compromise Leads to ICONIC Incident | Volexity

3CX Supply Chain Compromise Leads to ICONIC Incident

[Update: Following additional analysis of shellcode used in ICONIC, in conjunction with other observations from the wider security community, Volexity now attributes the activity described in this post to the Lazarus threat actor. Specifically, in addition to other claims of similarity, the shellcode sequence {E8 00 00 00 00 59 49 89 C8 48 81 C1 58 06 00 00} appears to have been only used in the ICONIC loader and the APPLEJEUS malware, which is known to be linked to Lazarus. The original post has been left as written.] On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Volexity became aware of a supply chain compromise by a suspected North Korean threat actor, which Volexity tracks as UTA0040*. Endpoints with the 3CX Desktop application installed received a malicious update of this software that was signed by 3CX and downloaded from their servers. This was part of the default automatic update process and would … Continue reading 3CX Supply Chain Compromise Leads to ICONIC Incident